How Naturopathic Medicine Works

Naturopathic medicine is a primary health care discipline that addresses the root cause of illness and incorporates treatment and prevention strategies that support the body’s own healing potential. Using a thorough assessment of each patient and standard medical diagnostic tests, Dr. James designs individualized treatment plans drawing from one or all of the following disciplines: clinical nutrition and supplementation, acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine, botanical medicine, and homeopathic medicine.


Resolve Health Concerns

Dr. James works in an integrated setting with medical doctors and other health care practitioners, and combines evidence based medicine with naturopathic healing modalities in order to resolve your health concerns.


Restore Balance

Customized treatment plans aim to treat the whole person and restore balance to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of your body.


Maintain Wellness

Long term treatment plans and follow-up consultations serve to help you re-build and maintain balance throughout your life.